I got to photograph this surprise proposal recently at the Desert Botanical Garden in Tempe, Arizona — and loved seeing her reaction when he popped the question! Frank had called me several weeks earlier to see if I would secretly photograph him proposing to his love, so we set it all up, and I basically looked like a random lady taking photos of cacti at the Garden ;-) Andrea was definitely surprised, and it was fun to be part of such a happy, life changing moment and capture that for these two. We snuck in a few engagement portraits right afterwards, but I know she not prepared for a full blown session by being in such a state of shock so we kept them to a minimum. Congrats you two!
(Pro Tip: Gentlemen, one thing to consider for the ladies when planning a secret proposal:: it may be good to set up a separate engagement session the next day or in the weeks after so she has time to pick her outfit and let it all sink in -- OR, have her get dressed up for a nicer night out so she feels beautiful in full hair and makeup.)