Some friendships are written in the stars—so destined, so rooted, that they become the cornerstone of your life story. Michelle and Carly's journey is one of those rare, beautiful connections that began before they could even form their first words. Friends since babyhood, these two have been each other's constants through every milestone, adventure, heartbreak, and triumph.

This year, to celebrate 40 years of friendship, they ventured to Arizona, and lucky for me, wanted to capture this special time and their friendship in photos. Their constant, infectious laughter filled me up with so much joy and I loved sharing this evening with them! They brought with them a small painted rock they created as little girls, saying “Best Friends Forever” -- a symbol of their enduring bond, a reminder of the unshakable connection they’ve shared since childhood.

The thing is: what they have is deeper than just friendship and its lasted longer than many a marriage. It is a sisterhood, an unspoken connection that has withstood the test of time. Their bond is a reminder of the magic of having someone who knows and loves you, flaws and all, through every chapter of life.
I'm beyond honored to have gotten the opportunity to capture these photos for them and their bond. Here is to 40 more years Michelle & Carly! 🥂❤️